binky teeth

Understanding Binky Teeth: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment!

Using pacifiers over extended periods results in “binky teeth”, a slang term referring to dental complications.

Pacifiers can soothe babies and offer them comfort; however, they should not be used for too long, significantly beyond the age recommended, because this can cause malformations of the teeth known as “pacifier teeth” or “binky teeth.”

Therefore, this article will explore the causes, symptoms, and treatment options of binky teeth to provide a clear understanding for parents concerned about their kids.

What Are Binky Teeth?

Binky teeth are abnormalities in dental structures resulting from prolonged pacifier usage. When a kid uses a pacifier for a long time, it might affect how their teeth and jaws usually grow.

This problem often occurs when children continue using pacifiers after the age 2-3 years.

The pressure exerted by the dummy on developing teeth could lead to multiple dental problems such as crookedness, open bite, or changes in the dental arch.

What Are the 4 Major Causes of Binky Teeth?

The primary cause of binky teeth is the extended use of pacifiers. Here’s how it happens:

  1. Teeth pressure

When children suck on dummies, they put pressure on their teeth and bones developing around their jaws. This pressure makes the teeth shift from where they usually are.

  1. Disruption of Natural Sucking Reflex:

Proper mouth and jaw development depends on the natural sucking reflex. However, this natural reflex can be interfered with by an artificial sucking motion caused by a pacifier leading to dental problems.

  1. Prolonged Use

Dental development in children is more significantly affected the longer they use a pacifier.

While infants might generally be safe when using pacifiers, they should reduce their usage and eventually stop using them as the child grows up, ideally by age two.

  1. Intensity of Sucking:

Dental development in children can also be impacted by how hard they suck on their pacifiers. The higher the intensity of sucking, the greater pressure is exerted upon teeth, thus causing more severe dental issues.

 What are the Signs and Symptoms of Binky Teeth?

Binky teeth are displayed in different manners due to their severity and the length of time that the Pacifier has been used. Some common symptoms include:

  • Overbite: Upper front teeth might protrude over lower ones, resulting in an overbite. This happens due to prolonged use of the Pacifier, which pushes the upper tee forward.
  • Open Bite: An open bite is among many indicators of binky teeth, with upper and lower front teeth not touching each other while the mouth is closed.
  • Misaligned Teeth: The teeth may become crooked or misaligned due to the shifting caused by the Pacifier. The continuous pressure exerted on the front teeth by a pacifier leads to this gap.
  • Speech Problems: Speech problems may develop due to pacifier use, leading to misaligned teeth in some cases. Such children might find it difficult to pronounce some sounds or end up developing lisps.
  • Changes in the Dental Arch: Instead of a typical U-shape, the dental arch can get narrower and more V-shaped. Their entire arrangement may be affected by this.

 4 Best Treatment Options for Binky Teeth

The severity of the dental issues and the child’s age determine how binky teeth are treated. Some standard treatment options are:

  1. Weaning Off the Pacifier

The first and most crucial step in treating binky teeth is to stop using a pacifier. Child psychologists typically advise gradual weaning as it helps minimize emotional trauma on a baby.

One possible approach is to restrict its use to specific periods, such as bedtime, when other sources of comfort, such as favorite toys or blankets, can be utilized.

  1. Orthodontic Treatments

Orthodontic treatment may include braces and retainers that correct tooth alignment and jaw problems when the condition is more severe.

  1. Speech Therapy

Speech therapy may be suggested if the child’s binky teeth have caused speech problems. The youngster might receive instruction from a speech therapist to enhance communication skills and address pronunciation issues.

  1. Regular Dental Checkups

Additionally, if, after discontinuing usage, the person is still very young, the natural adjustment will likely happen until their original positions are regained.

Regular dental check-ups should be done during this period to monitor progress.

How to Prevent Binky Teeth In Children?

The majority of binky teeth prevention revolves around pacifier use control. Below are some tips on how to prevent binky teeth from developing:

  • Wean Early: Begin weaning your child off the Pacifier by age two; the earlier you stop using it, the less likely they are to develop binky teeth.
  • Use Orthodontic Pacifiers: Some other pacifiers are built more orthodontically friendly to reduce the impact on dental development, although their use should still be limited.
  • Limit Pacifier Use: It would be better if the child uses it during sleep time or nap only than making them use it for the whole day.
  • Encourage Other Comfort Methods: Use alternative sources of comfort such as a favorite toy or blanket or engage in peaceful activities such as reading and listening to music.

Bottom Line

Unresolved long-term usage problems may result in complications related to dental diseases because they cause binky teeth.

Although helpful for soothing newborns, pacifiers must be carefully managed until children grow out from them at an appropriate age.

By addressing issues like this early through timely intervention and regular dental check-ups, healthy oral development can be ensured for your child.


At what age should my child discontinue the use of a soother?

It is advised that weaning off from the Pacifier should commence at about 12 months and end by two to avoid dental problems.

Can pacifier teeth recover themselves once the dummy is withdrawn?

Mostly, these teeth may gradually return to their original positions, especially when the dummy has been terminated early. Nevertheless, severe cases might necessitate orthodontic input.

Are orthodontic soothers helpful in preventing dummy teeth?

These types of soothers are designed to minimize the influence on dentition development, but they do not guarantee it completely. It is important to limit how long children use pacifiers.

Can thumb sucking cause similar oral concerns as using a binky?

Yes, this can lead to issues like open bite and/or misalignment of teeth.

What symptoms identify the impact of using pacifiers on a child’s teeth?

They include open bite, overbite, malocclusion, crookedness of teeth, changes in the dental arch shape and sometimes speech impediments.


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