how long until a tooth infection kills you

Can A Tooth Infection Kill You?

Mouth infections are dangerous as they can kill you. They can do the same, even if they are smaller. For instance, John Candy was an actor and comedian who died from a tooth infection in 1994 due to a heart attack caused by an untreated tooth infection. If you don’t treat it promptly, tooth infection may have dire and sometimes deadly implications. Let’s explore how long it takes until a tooth infection kills you and what are its best possible solutions.

Additionally, learn more about if Listerine kills tooth infection, signs of sepsis from tooth infection, and more. Explore our blog for more oral directions and dental tips.

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Can A Tooth Infection Kill You?

A tooth infection happens when bacteria enter the inner part of your tooth, known as the pulp, which contains soft tissue. As the infection worsens, pus collects around the affected tooth, forming a dental abscess.

Thanks to improvements in medicine and dental care, deaths from tooth infections are now extremely rare. However, it’s still crucial to get prompt treatment if you think you have an infected tooth.

If left untreated, a tooth infection can spread and lead to serious, potentially life-threatening complications, including:

How long can a tooth infection go untreated?

Infective processes in teeth can last differently among persons according to their circumstances and levels of pathology severity. For instance, the most common signs, such as soreness and swelling in some cases, are experienced, but some choose to live without treatment until it is too late for them

On the other hand, ignoring an oral abscess altogether is dangerous because bacteria may invade surrounding tissues or get into the bloodstream, ultimately causing mutable, more severe conditions like systemic infection or sepsis. 

5 Risk Factors Lead to Complications

Here are five major risk factors that can increase the likelihood of a tooth infection:

1. Poor Oral Hygiene

Not brushing and flossing regularly can lead to plaque buildup and cavities, which can cause infections.

2. Untreated Cavities

Cavities that aren’t addressed can worsen and lead to infections in the tooth.

3. Gum Disease

Infections or inflammation in the gums can spread to the teeth and increase infection risk.

4. Age

Older adults may be more prone to tooth infections due to wear and tear or oral health conditions.

5. Weakened Immune System 

A weakened immune system from illness or medication and poor nutrition can make it harder for your body to fight infections, including those in your teeth.

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Can a cavity kill you?

Although a cavity itself may not be fatal, its complete neglect can lead to dangerous health problems. An abscess may arise from a severe cavity that has become infected. This infection can spread to neighboring tissues or, in rare cases, cause sepsis when bacteria enter the blood. 

Signs of sepsis from tooth infection

Severe tooth infections can be a cause of sepsis. Fever, chills, and fast heartbeat are some of the early symptoms. Besides, confusion or disorientation might creep in. This indicates that your body is reacting to a severe kind of infection.

However, as sepsis advances, the signs become worse. For example, one may have trouble breathing or extreme pain. In addition, skin could be discolored with pallor while weakness is felt all over the body. The above signs require a doctor’s immediate attention to avoid complications and save lives. Timely treatment is crucial for improving prognosis.

To the brain, a tooth infection rarely may end up spreading. Severe headache and fever can be symptoms of this grave complication. You could also experience confusion or altered mental state. These symptoms indicate that the infection could affect the central nervous system.

Light sensitivity and stiff neck are other signs you should be aware of. Sometimes, you may have some seizures or experience weakness in certain body parts. Any symptoms following tooth infection call for an urge to collect medical assistance immediately. Immediate attention can help avoid dire consequences.

Can Tooth Infection Spread to the Body?

Upon spreading to the body, a tooth infection can appear with various symptoms. Systemic response could be indicated by experiencing high fever and chills. Furthermore, there could be swelling in the face or neck accompanied by excruciating pain. On top of that, you can be tired and weak as the body tries to fight off the infection.

In addition, along with the progression of the disease, confusion or disorientation is another thing that one might notice regarding this disease. It may also develop into a rapid pulse-rated heartbeat and have difficulty breeding. These signs suggest that it can contaminate general health status, too. 

Can a tooth abscess kill you?

If you don’t treat it, a tooth abscess can be fatal. The infection can displace adjacent tissues and also affect the blood system. This can bring about conditions such as sepsis, which is experienced when the body responds to a widespread infection.

If not taken care of, an abscess may result in dire consequences. Symptoms may deteriorate, hence causing unbearable pain, fever, and swelling. It is crucial to seek timely dental treatment to prevent these harmful outcomes. Neglecting a tooth abscess can have negative impacts on your health.

How is Tooth Infection Treated?

There are a few basic to complex ways to treat dental infections. It totally depends on the severity of the infection. The methods include:

  • Antibiotics: These medications kill bacteria and may be used to help treat the infection. Depending on the severity, you might receive oral antibiotics or intravenous (IV) antibiotics. However, antibiotics alone are not enough; you will also need a root canal or extraction.
  • Drainage: The dentist makes a small cut in your gums to drain the abscess. This is usually a temporary solution, and further treatments are typically required.
  • Root Canal: The dentist removes the infected pulp from inside the tooth, cleans and fills it, and then places a crown to restore the tooth’s function.
  • Tooth Extraction: If the tooth cannot be saved with a root canal, it may need to be removed.

Final Thought

Your dental health is essential. Ignoring tooth infection symptoms can result in serious problems. To avoid making them worse, seeking dental care as soon as possible is critical. Don’t wait for symptoms to become serious; doing so may even cost you your life.

Infection signs should always be heeded. Initial indications such as pain, swelling, and fever must never go unnoticed. When compared to ignoring these warning signs, awareness and treatment at the right time can save one’s life. It thus pays off to remain vigilant regarding dental issues so you do not regret them later on.

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How do you know if a tooth infection is killing you?

It is crucial to seek emergency health care if you experience fever, shaking, chills, or confusion. These are indicative of a severe tooth infection.

How long can you live with a tooth infection?

Tooth infections can live in your mouth for days or weeks but can become severe if left untreated.

How fast can a tooth infection spread to your brain?

Without proper treatment, a tooth infection may spread to the brain over several days to weeks. It is essential to be aware of severe headaches and confusion.

Can your body fight off a tooth infection?

If you have a slightly infected tooth, your body can resist it, but you need to see a dentist to prevent complications or things that might result from that.

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