How to Stop a Cavity From Getting Worse at Home?

Cavities and dental caries can affect people of all ages. And wonder how to prevent the cavities from worsening. As having cavities can become a nightmare as it could lead to more severe dental and oral diseases.

No worries, oral directions will guide you on the causes of dental cavities and how we can stop their progression. Find more dental hygiene tips and directions to a healthier smile at our blog.

What are the Main Causes of Dental Cavities?

Before heading towards ways to prevent the cavity from worsening, let’s briefly discuss the causes of dental cavities.

Dental cavities, otherwise known as dental caries, are small holes on the surface of teeth due to enamel destruction and tooth decay.

Due to the deterioration of the protective coating of the tooth(enamel), tooth decay occurs. The tooth became exposed to harmful bacteria as the enamel was destroyed. And chances of plaque built-up increase tremendously.

The following are the leading causes of dental cavities:

  • Insufficient oral hygiene.
  • Dry mouth/ Xerostomia
  • Tooth Decay
  • Teeth grinding/Bruxism
  • Overbrushing
  • Poor nutrition
  • Deep tooth crevices and enamel issues
  • Gum recession.
  • Harmful oral bacteria
  • Acidic foods
  • Sweets and beverages
  • Genetics
  • Missing dental appointments

By eliminating the root causes, we can prevent cavities from worsening.

What are the Main Symptoms of Cavities?

Signs and symptoms may vary from person to person depending upon the stage and severity of the dental cavity. In the early stages of cavity formation, no visible signs and symptoms would be present. However, as tooth decay worsens over time, the following signs and symptoms can be seen:

  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Visible holes/ pits
  • Pain while eating.
  • Toothache and ear pain.
  • Brown, black, or white patches


There are several ways to halt cavities’ growth and prevent cavities from worsening. 5 most effective ways of prevention are as follow:

1.  Regular Brushing and Flossing

To prevent cavities from getting worse, you need to adopt good oral practices. The primary cause of cavities is tooth decay; by avoiding tooth decay, cavities can be prevented from further worsening.

Brushing and flossing play a significant role in preventing tooth decay and cavity formation.

At night, after having a meal, and in the morning after breakfast, it is essential to brush your teeth thoroughly to avoid forming cavities.

Flossing is recommended at least once a day, as it removes the food particles and residues from the parts of the mouth where the brush doesn’t reach properly.

2.  Fluoride Mouthwash

According to studies, fluoride has a proven antimicrobial effect; it inhibits the growth of acid-producing bacteria in the mouth.  These acid-producing bacteria are the main culprits behind the tooth cavities.

Fluoride also enhances remineralization in teeth, therefore strengthening their enamel. Promoting remineralization also aids in preventing tooth decay, which ultimately causes cavities.

Fluoride mouthwash helps remove plaque and food residues when used regularly.

3.  Limit Sugar and Sugar-Containing Foods

Bacteria feed on the sugars that we utilize and convert them into acids. These acids lead to tooth decay in addition to eroding the enamel.

By limiting sugary and sugar-containing foods, we can avoid the occurrence of cavities. Likewise, beverages are very rich in sugar content and damage the teeth’ enamel over time. Dentists often recommend limiting sugary foods and beverages like candies, chocolates, juices, and soda drinks to decrease the risk of cavities.

4.  Regular Dental Visits

Regular dental checkups make early detection of cavities possible, preventing further growth. When performing a dental checkup, dentists check for indications of tooth decay and oral diseases.

According to the condition, dentists will recommend the best course of action to halt the growth of dental cavities. Dental sealants and fluoride treatments are advised to shield teeth from dental caries and cavities.

5.  Saltwater

Saltwater has antimicrobial properties. It inhibits the proliferation of the cavity-causing bacteria. It also acts as an antiseptic, reducing the load of microorganisms that can cause oral health-related issues.

Most dentists suggest rinsing your mouth with salt water after any dental procedures, as it speeds up the healing time and reduces harmful bacteria. Gargling with salt water will help prevent cavities from developing and getting worse.


Cavities are black holes/pits on the surface of the teeth. These are common in all age groups, but they can be avoided.

You may lessen your chance of having cavities and prevent them from worsening by maintaining proper dental hygiene, abstaining from sugary foods and beverages, and seeing your dentist regularly. Find more  about dental health and issues at oral directions.


How do we stop a cavities from further developing?

To prevent a cavity from becoming more severe, take good care of your teeth by using some fluoride toothpaste twice daily, brushing at least once daily, and significantly cutting down on sugar.

Can a cavity get worse in 2 weeks?

If you don’t follow oral hygiene practices, then in just 14 days, decay will become much more worsen leading to severe tooth decay.

Can mouthwash prevent cavities from getting worse?

Fluoride mouthwash can aid in stopping cavities from getting worse through enamel strengthening and the reduction of bacteria.

How can I make my cavities fill better?

Cavities cannot be naturally “filled”; you should consult a dentist for proper filling treatment. In the meantime, maintain your oral hygiene and use products with fluoride to save your teeth.

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