Laser teeth cleaning vs traditional deep cleaning

Laser Teeth Cleaning Vs. Traditional Deep Cleaning

With the recent advancements in dentistry, laser dentistry is replacing traditional dentistry and teeth cleaning methods. Laser teeth cleaning offers a soothing and less discomforting experience with more precision. If you have been into teeth cleaning sessions, you might wonder if laser cleaning after deep cleaning is necessary. 

Today, in this blog, we will discuss whether laser teeth cleaning is worth it. Should you opt for traditional deep cleaning or laser cleaning? Find more about laser cleaning vs deep cleaning and other oral directions about teeth at our blog. 

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What is LASER Cleaning?

LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) dentistry is the latest advancement that treat several dental issues, including teeth cleaning.  It’s an excellent option for individuals who have dental phobia and anxiety. The laser is 100% safe and painless, allowing dental professionals to remove, clean, and reshape oral tissues without sound effects. 

Additionally, now different procedures are easy to perform with the laser, such as teeth whitening, treating gum diseases, tooth decay, and many more. 

laser teeth cleaning vs traditional

Why Do You Need LASER Cleaning?

When you experience the signs and symptoms of periodontal diseases, there are higher chances that your dentist will suggest you laser tooth cleaning. Well, it may sound scary, but the best thing is that now you can stop cavities and gums from worsening; that is only possible with deep cleaning. 

Laser teeth cleaning vs traditional cleaning is highly recommended as it offers the following benefits:

1: Treat current oral infections

After deep cleaning, you can restore your oral health with a proactive oral care routine following expert advice and directions. 

2: Stop periodontal diseases

With the help of LASER, the dental plaque and tartar are removed, which helps stop the infection and its further advancement. 

3: Get rid of bad smell

The plaque buildup on your teeth harbors the bacteria that encourage lousy breath. Removing plaque helps eliminate the foul smell from the mouth.

4: Protect gums and jaw bones

When your gums are treated against infections, they act as protective armor for your roots and jawbone. 

LASER Vs Traditional Teeth Cleaning

Both dental cleaning methods are viable and accessible to use. Let’s explain how both methods work differently and which works better nowadays. The standard dental cleaning includes scraping and polishing the teeth with a metal instrument.

In this technique, a professional uses a scalar to remove the buildup, followed by polishing the surface stains and spots. It is uncomfortable for individuals whose gums and teeth are sensitive. 

On the other hand, laser dentistry operates by a particular device known as a laser device used in the whole procedure to remove the plaque and buildup from the gum line. This procedure involves the X-ray that ensures this is a safe technique for patients’ teeth, followed by local anesthesia.  

The laser device targets the areas that need cleaning without discomfort, and the surface stains are removed thoroughly. Afterward, polishing is performed on the teeth’ surface to smooth out rough patches. 

is laser cleaning worth it

Is LASER Cleaning Better Than Traditional Teeth Cleaning?

When discussing the best procedure, it is the latest one. Regarding the deep cleaning, laser treatments are much better as it has the following pros over traditional ways:

1: Less discomfort 

Laser dentistry makes dental cleaning and other treatments less irritating for the individual with a dental phobia. Laser cleaning is a gentle and less invasive method, making it a perfect choice for people with sensitive gums and teeth. 

2: More effective

Studies reveal that it is more effective than all other cleaning methods as the laser beam penetrates the gum line and removes sticky substances. Moreover, it offers advanced protection against gum diseases and improves oral health. 

3: Quick & fast

Compared to other teeth cleaning methods, it requires less time, saving patients and dentists a lot of time. 


Traditional procedures involve cutting your gums to remove infected teeth or tissue; laser promotes healing quickly. Additionally, it minimizes the need for any cuts in the procedure. Hence, the gums recover soon. 

5: Dental bleeding

This method is perfect for patients who have blood phobia as it requires less anaesthesia and sutures that result in less bleeding—furthermore, the blood clots quickly, selling the blood vessels instantly.

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How Much Does Laser Teeth Cleaning Cost?

The cost of different dentistry methods varies depending on several factors, such as the amount of work needed, the type of treatment, severity, and more. On average, laser cleaning and other treatments are more expensive than traditional methods, from $200 to $1500 or more. The best way is to consult with your dentist and see if the laser treatment is covered under your insurance. Moreover, look for other options as well. 

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Does Laser Dental Cleaning Hurt?

If the procedure hurts, this is one of the most frequent questions about laser treatment. The shortest and the most straightforward answer is that, typically, it is not painful and is more gentle and comforting than other ways. 

With local anaesthesia, the process becomes less irritating and reduces the chances of overall discomfort. However, patients must expect a mild and temporary inconvenience. 

The Bottom Line:

To sum up, laser and traditional cleaning are both vital procedures for maintaining good oral hygiene. Laser cleaning is a 100% safe process that is highly recommended by the dentists for several operations in dentistry such as repairing teeth damage, removing tumors and infection site biopsies. The advantages of a laser include a painless experience, less bleeding, and more precision, making it the best choice for patients. 


Is a laser needed for teeth deep cleaning?

Standard methods exist for patients who want to remove dental plaque and buildup. Laser is an advanced version of dental teeth cleaning that offers deep cleaning of your mouth using the LASER beam. 

Why do they laser your gums after deep cleaning?

The laser uses a beam of energy that targets the plaque and buildup in your gum line without pulling the gum tissues. After standard teeth cleaning, the laser removes the plaque and promotes oral health. 

What are the side effects of laser deep cleaning?

The common drawbacks of Thai treatment involve mild irritation and itching sensation that usually goes away after some time. Moreover, local anesthesia can cause discomfort for a day or two. 

What is the next step after a deep cleaning?

To maintain a healthy smile, continue your regular brushing and flossing regime. Try to follow your dentist’s instructions and put effort into keeping your mouth plague-free.

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