tooth colored restorative materials, cost, types

Tooth Colored Restoration Materials: Types, Pros, Cons, Cost & More!

Dental restorations are now available with colors to perform the needed function and add aesthetics. There are different teeth restorative materials, but not all can match the shade of your teeth. So, this thing must be kept in mind while choosing from different tooth colored restoration materials. 

Here, in this blog, we will share some commonly used colored fillings and the materials that dentists mostly use. Learn about more oral directions to maintain dental hygiene, stop tooth nerve pain fast and how to fix pacifier teeth at our blog. 

Why Choose Tooth-colored Restorations?

Tooth colored fillings are getting common as more people are opting for bold choices. Additionally, now the colored materials available in the market make the teeth strong and restore their function. You can choose any of the materials as per their cost, ranging in your budget. Here, we share why to choose restorative materials for your teeth:

  • They fill the cracks and fractures in your teeth, giving them the perfect shape without leaving any gaps. 
  • Most teeth restorative materials that are colored match your natural teeth loo,k appealing and remain unnoticed. 
  • The teeth restorations directly bind with the teeth surfaces, providing the much-needed resilience and strength for chewing and other activities. 
  • Fillings that don’t contain metals are the best choice for people who have tooth sensitivity. 
  • People can choose from various options according to their teeth restoration budget. 
  • Tooth tinted fillings make them the best cost-effective choice without metals. 

 Famous tooth-colored Restorative Materials 

There is a whole range of tooth colored materials for filling and restoring the teeth’ shape, function or decay. These materials are made by blending composite or plastic resins and silica fillers. They truly mimic the qualities of tooth structure and help strengthen the teeth. Here is a closer look at the colored fillings and materials for restoration. 

1: Ceramics

Ceramic is an inorganic and non/metallic material that has an exceptional material that is very famous for its durability. The material improves the overall function of a repaired tooth and increases its lifetime to almost 10 to 15 years. 

Ceramics have aesthetic properties that are unmatchable and can mimic the natural appearance of teeth. In addition, it offers a wide range of customized restorations that not only enhance the overall symmetry but also add to the aesthetics of the smile. 

tooth colored restoration materials

They are more expensive than all other options due to the craftsmanship involved in creating the custom restorations. Two major types of ceramics used in the industry include:

  • Zirconia-silica

It’s a synthetic filler that is manufactured by the sol-gel process. They have round edges that offer strength, durability and natural color to the teeth. It results in aesthetic restorations with good water resistance. 

  •  Zirconium oxide

This is another form of dental fillings that are a group of materials on the oxides. They are composed by finely controlling the zirconia and oxide ratio. Although this type of filler has limited use, its cost is relatively inexpensive than all other types. 

2: Composite resins

Resin composites have common application in the dental industry and are perfect for repairing and reshaping as they look more natural. They are moldable, which makes them an absolute choice for restoring teeth using different techniques. 

The teeth repaired with resins are more robust than all other restorative materials, but the only drawback is that they are not a good choice for dental fillings. 

3: Amalgam

Another primary tooth restoration material that has been in the industry for years. An amalgam that is a combination of metals and liquid mercury. These metals include silver, tin, copper and others. They give a silvery appearance, which is why they are the least common.

tooth colored restorations

4: Gold

Gold is an expensive metal that is highly durable. It is best for restoring purposes but in rare cases due to being very expensive. Not everyone can afford this restoration material for repairing. Further, gold gives your teeth a very bold and bright appearance that makes them distinct in the whole setting. 

Pros and Cons of tooth-colored Restorations

Mostly, gold braces are standard for individuals who love colored braces. Additionally, gold-plated crowns are also used in dentistry, which are less expensive than pure fillings.  


  • Tooth-colored restorations offer additional support, aiding in the fabrication of durable restorations.
  • Facilitates the repair of carious teeth by adhesively bonding indirect colored restorations.
  • Reduces stress as a result of minimized polymerization shrinkage compared to resin-based options.
  • It provides improved contours and contacts with enhanced visibility when inspected outside the mouth.


  • Enhances tooth structure without provoking irritation or allergic reactions often associated with certain metal fillings.
  • Postoperative sensitivity may occur following the treatment for amalgams containing metals.
  • Composite restorations may exhibit a shorter lifespan compared to silver fillings.
  • These restorations are susceptible to discoloration and staining over time, particularly from frequent consumption of tea and coffee.

The Bottom Line:

Teeth-colored restorations are becoming common nowadays as they are the best choice for individuals who want to repair their teeth. They not only give them strength and resilience, but the restorative materials in primary colors add to the aesthetics. Further, they are the best choice from a price point of view. 


Is tooth-colored restoration cosmetic?

Teeth-colored restorations not only restore the functioning of a tooth but also offer strength and resilience for various activities. As they help in reshaping and restoring purposes, they add up to cosmetic restorations. 

What are the different filling colors?

An amalgam has a silvery appearance due to the metal silver present with mercury. In addition, the resin composites and glass ionomers offer a transparent look and match with the original tooth color.  

Can you reverse tooth discoloration?

Tooth discoloration is reversible with deep staining and teeth whitening. However, if the teeth stains damage the interior enamel, it isn’t easy to reverse

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